Name of the Institution : Eastern Karbi Anglong College
Year of Establishment : 1997
Address : Sarihajan, P.O.: Sarihajan -782480, Dist. Karbi Anglong, Assam
Telephone Number : +919435167904, +917002851503
Email ID : [email protected]
Nature of the Institution : Government (Provicialised), Recognised under 2(f) and 12B of the UGC Act
Institutional Affiliation : Affiliated to Assam University and offers the CBCS curriculum at the UG level
Streams : Arts & Science
Number of Departments : 12 departments
Program Offered :-
1. Three-year B. A. Hons. In English, Assamese, Political Science, Sociology, Education, Economics & History
2. Three-year B. A. General Course in English, Alt. English, Assamese, Political Science, Sociology, Education, Economics & History
3. Three-Year B. Sc. Hons. Course in Chemistry, Mathematics & Zoology
4. Three-Year B. Sc. General Course in Chemistry, Mathematics, Zoology, Physics & Botany
NAAC Accreditation : Not Yet accreditated
Eastern Karbi Anglong College is a leading higher education institution, committed to imparting quality education to students of this hilly region. The college is affiliated to Assam University, Silchar and it complies with the prescribed curriculum of the university at the UG level. The Principal and the faculty members perform their allotted duties and other responsibilities prescribed in the UGC regulations.
Eastern Karbi Anglong College, being a government-aided public institution, is subject to RTI Act, 2005. A proper information delivery mechanism is put in place to ensure transparency and accountability. The convener of the RTI Cell of college acts as the Public Information Officer (PIO) of the institution. The PIO receives all types of RTI applications. On receipt of an application, the PIO registers the matter and seeks the required information from the concerned department or section in the college, as the case may be. The PIO ensures the timely reply to the RTI queries.
Appellate Authority : Dr. Anil Ch. Das, Principal, Eastern Karbi Anglong College
Public Information Officer (PIO) : Sri Bedabrata Bora, Asst. Professor, Dept. of English, Eastern Karbi Anglong College
Contact number of PIO : +918812805600