Each and every student shall be provided with an Identity Card and s/he shall carry it at the time of attending the classes. An Identity card issued is valid for a period of one year, i. e., one academic session. On expiry of the Identity Card, it has to be surrendered for renewal. The process of renewal has to be completed within one month of the new academic session.
The college library has a strength ofover 7000 books besides journals, magazines and others periodicals.Every student is expected to avail library books for their academic and personality development.
Students are expected to observe the following rules of the library :
1. A student can borrow books form the library for a period of 15 days from the date of issue.
2. A fine of Re. 1/- per day will be imposed if a book is not returned within 15 days.
3. Two library cards are issued to every student on payment of caution money of Rs.100/- and they can borrow maximum two books against the cards.
4. The college library card holder students have to renew their cards by the Librarian to continue for the next consecutive years.
5. The caution money is refundable after their final examination on production of Caution money receipt along with library clearance certificates from the Librarian.
6. Students should carefully examine the book(s) issued to them before leaving the college library. If any damage in the book(s) issued to him/her is noticed, it should be reported to the Librarian before taking delivery of the same. The borrower will be responsible for loss or damage of any books borrowed from the library. He will be penalized with double the price of the book.
7. All books borrowed from the library shall have to be returned to the library 15 days before the commencement of the summer break.
8. If the library card is lost by any students, it should be reported to the Librarian immediately.
9. The authority reserves the right of framing any additional rules as may be necessary from time to time.
Various scholarship schemes are available as per Govt. rules. Scholarship money is paiddirectly to the studentsby the government through Bank Accounts. Scholarship forms will be issued to the students of H.S. First Year & TDC 1st Semester only on production of Account Number of any Nationalised Bank having Core Banking facility. Scholarship facility is provided to the Bonafide students of the college only.
The college has started a "STUDENTS AID FUND" in 2007.This fund shall be utilized to meet the unforeseen/emergency situation during the college hours.
The college has devised certain healthy practices as follows :
a). Maintenance of neat and clean environment.Every student should try to keep the college campus neat and clean as it leaves a strong positive bearing in the minds of those in and around it.
b). Improvement of academic environment. All the students should try to maintain a cool, calm and gracious environment in the collegefor better academic pursuit.
c). Outreach Programmes The college authority always encourages outreach programmes such as medical camp, literacy drive, plantation drive, AIDS control, community service and like.
d). More contact hours in an academic year.The college authority emphasizes devoting more contact hours per paper in an academic session at undergraduate level.
e). Quality Advisory Committee (QAC)& Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) The college has constituted QAC & IQAC in 2007.IQAC will work on the advise of QAC. Sincequality is a continuous process, the IQAC must develop a system for concious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the performance of the college.
Coordinator of IQAC : Mr. Eugene Ekka.
Asst. Coordinator : Dr. Nayan Moni Medhi.
f) Alumni Association
The College has constituted its Alumni Association in 2007.Its involvement in the corpotate life of the college boosts up social linkage further.
Chairman : Principal, EKAC
Vice-Chairman : Mr. Lolit Mech (Ex-Student)
Secretary : Vice-Principal
Asst. Sec. : Mr. Rupsing Rongpi (Ex-Student)